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Bibles & Baptism Books for Children

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Children's Bible
​Bible Storybooks for Preschoolers, Families, and Beginning Readers
The Book of Belonging: Bible Stories for Kind & Contempative Kids - by Mariko Clark - 42 Bible stories re-told with a focus on the message that you belong, you're beloved of God, and you are a delight in God's eyes. Includes Wonder Moments and Mindful Moments.
Children of God Storybook Bible - by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, for ages 4-8.
Children's Everyday Bible - from DK Publishing, a Bible story for every day of the year, for ages 4-8.
The Family Story Bible and Lectionary Story Bible by Ralph Milton, illustrated by Margaret Kyle
The Family Time Bible - from Beaming Books - after each Bible story there are suggestions of things to talk about, a prayer, and a Note to Parents; for ages 4-8
A First Bible Storybook from DK Publishing, for parents/grandparents/caregivers to read to children
Growing In God's Love edited by Elizabeth Caldwell and Carol Wehrheim, for ages 4-8
My Little Picture Bible from DK Publishing, for ages 1-4
My Very First Bible from DK Publishing, for parents/grandparents/caregivers to read to children
The Peace Table from the Brethren Press, for ages 5-11 - a Storybook Bible (used with Shine curriculum resources)
Baptism Books
The Day I Was Baptized - a keepsake book by Hal Harrison and Pam Lucas.
My Baptism Book - a baptism gift book of prayers, psalms, and Bible stories with a dedication page.
Water Come Down - by Walter Wangerin, Jr., for ages 4-8.
Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You - by Nancy Tillman (not specifically about baptism; however, a good gift book)
Bibles for 3rd Graders & Up
Children of God - Storybook Bible (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)
Deep Blue Kids Bible (Contemporary English Version)
Growing In God's Love - A Story Bible (Elizabeth Caldwell & Carol Wehrheim, eds.)
The Learning Bible (Contemporary English Version)
The Peace Table - A Storybook Bible (used with Shine curriculum resources)
Read, Wonder, Listen - Stories from the Bible for Young Readers (with the words of Laura Alary)
Spark Bible (New Revised Standard Version)

An invaluable book for parents and congregations, which includes a chapter and an appendix on choosing Bibles and Bible storybooks for children.