Networking, Resourcing, & Advocating

for Faith Formation Ministries
Curriculum Resources

** Please note that the United Church of Christ is no longer publishing curriculum materials for children and youth;
however, UCC-friendly curriculum materials have been curated by the Association of United Church Educators (AUCE).
** Download AUCE's
Curriculum Overview Chart of Popular Resources
(updated 06/2024)
Choosing and Adapting Curriculum Resources
A process and guide for congregations seeking educational materials
Curriculum Material Reviews from Building Faith
a ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary
Adult Bible Study
Adult Christian Formation
Children's Ministries
Intergenerational Ministries
Vacation Bible School
Youth Ministries
Also from Building Faith:
Volunteer Recruitment Ideas
Blessing Backpacks & Devices, and other back-to-school ideas
Webinars and Resources on Curriculum Materials
from Practical Resources for Churches
Curriculum Resource Areas
Adult Faith Formation
At-Home Materials for Families (scroll down to "Holy Moments")
Season of Creation
Science & Faith
Sexuality & Sexual Health (Our Whole Lives / OWL)
Vacation Bible School
Curriculum Resource Formats
Bible Story-Based
Each session presents a different Bible story that follows a seasonal theme such as heroes of the Old Testament, the parables of Jesus or the birth of Jesus, for instance. These may or may not be the same story for each age level to accommodate developmental differences.
The Revised Common Lectionary is a listing of scripture readings for each Sunday which covers much of the Bible over the course of three years. Lectionary curriculum materials allow worshippers and learners of all ages to experience the same scripture(s), at their own developmental level, at the same time — the Bible passage that is the focus for worship is the same one being studied in Sunday School and Bible Study.
Godly Play
Based on a Montessori model, this approach models Christian worship, stories, symbols, and rituals.
Workshop Rotation Model
This approach uses a variety of media that presents a single Bible story for several weeks in lab-style settings such as computer, video, drama, art, puppets, food, Bible skills & games, music, and the like.