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Networking, Resourcing, & Advocating

for Faith Formation Ministries
Intergenerational Learning Models

Resources, models, and ministries
appropriate and welcoming for all ages
Intergenerational Ministry Models

Birth, baptism, first Bible, confirmation, drivers license, marriage, retirement, death - all of these milestones, both secular and church-based, can be honored and celebrated within the community of faith.

Biblical Storytelling

Bible stories can be shared by all, with all, as your faith community learns The Story together
Rituals, Sacraments, Holidays, and Holy Days

Create rituals and celebrations that are regularly/annually engaged by all ages together

Building intentional relationships between the generations has positive faith-forming aspects for
 all ages.
Faith Formation in the Home

Faithful Families by Traci Smith

Resources for families that don't add "yet another thing to do" by incorporating faith-based
 conversations into daily routines.


A 5-step bedtime routine for families from Faith Inkubators
Using Playlists

A faith formation playlist is a list of online, video audio, print, etc. learning activities/experiences, specifically curated on a particular theme/topic for a designated age group or other group of people interested in self-guided learning. Visit Lifelong Faith Associates for links to shared Playlists.
Wondering Together
I Wonder: Engaging a Child's Curiosity About the Bible
Elizabeth F. Caldwell
Christian Practices

Formation in Christian Practices from Lifelong Faith Associates
 Guides and resources for designing formation in Christian practices
Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living
Intergenerational and age group options
Curriculum materials from the Presbyterian Publishing Company

A thirty-six-unit curriculum based on practices Jesus did and taught us to do as faithful followers.

Traci Smith's short videos on 5 Christian practices for families

Organizations with Forward-Thinking Webinars
and Blogs

Building Faith

Ministry Architects

Practical Resources for Churches

Vibrant Faith
Intergenerational Ministry Resources
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